The lara.KITA at Hermann-Hesse-Straße 55 opened on November 3.Our kindergarten is located between Schönholzer Heide and Pankower Bürgerpark. It is housed in a standalone building surrounded by a green property. The building is a former embassy structure in Pankow, which we renovated into a daycare center. We are particularly proud of the quiet, spacious garden. At the back of the garden, there is a multifunctional hall that we primarily use for physical activities but also for creative projects and theater. Our movement construction area also invites children to engage in creative building activities. Our in-house cook prepares fresh lunch and snacks for us daily.
Our address
Public transport
We are easily accessible by public transport
S-Bahn Schönholzer Heide
S+U-Bahnhof Pankow
Bus 250, 150
Tram M1
Operating license
Since 2003, we have had the operating license from the Berlin Senate Administration for our daycare center, which can accommodate a total of 70 children.
Opening hours
We offer full-day childcare from Monday to Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.